Monday, October 20, 2008

And for something different...

I have really been enjoying having my own blog. It's actually been very therapeutic. One of my real loves it sports. Up until recently, I really didn't have anyone to talk to about sports. I have realized how nice it has been to have someone who is not only knowledgeable about sports to talk to but also how much I love to talk about it. Now, I have purposely kept sports to a minimum in my main blog but I have decided since that one is going so well that I would like to start a sports blog.

Now, I will watch pretty much any sport on television but I do have my favorites. You will see a lot of the discussion on this site pertaining to NCAA collegiate sports but you will also see some professional sports discussion to. You can also expect to see a lot of LSU Tigers posts on here as well as I am an alumni and a big fan of their sports program.

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